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hehe uni matsuri!  Can't stand the stuff personally but I love festivals!  I'd even pretend to like it just for s&g's

Tara S

[this is good]

Apologies, I can't bring myself to read this post.  The last time I got interested in sea urchins I accidentally turned my company's homepage into a sea-urchin site.  It was really embarassing and something I try hard to forget but am generally unsuccessful...

I really enjoyed reading your asparagus post, however.

Lisa Pepin

[this is good]

Tara, this is hands-down the BEST embarrasing moment story I have ever heard. Extra points for creativity. I'm torn between wanting to know details and just letting my imagination run wild... No, I think I want to know...

Tara S

Ok, but I'm probably going to regret this...

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